Spot Counting

RapidScore: Streamlining Automated Image Acquisition and Expert Knowledge


You may benefit most from the following customizations:

  • Automated and unattended imaging of interphase nuclei and fluorescent signals,
    incorporating focus stacking for optimal results.
  • Capability to establish an expert review workflow using RapidScore, enabling efficient data evaluation by reviewers.
  • Quick confirmation or adjustment of spot pattern suggestions with the intuitive RapidScore keyboard.
  • Blinded review functionality for multiple team evaluators to ensure unbiased assessments.
  • Adaptable to diverse probes, preparation techniques, and color channels.
  • Results presentation in a detailed image gallery, supplemented by comprehensive data tables and graphical summaries.

The Rapid FISH Spot Workflow

The Metafer Customization Package for Spot Counting is a service that helps leverage advanced automation to simplify repetitive tasks, minimize manual effort, and ensure reliable expert evaluation of fluorescent signals. By combining the innovative Metafer Platform Software with customizable configurations, this approach enables laboratories to optimize workflows, save time, and enhance productivity. Metafer can be set to automatically capture cell nuclei and fluorescent signals, utilizing focus stacking to image spots across various focal planes.

After the search, the captured images are presented in a user-friendly gallery. The selected object is displayed alongside its focus images, allowing users to view all focus levels. Additionally, the surrounding area of the current object on the specimen can be easily examined by zooming in. Within a customized spot-counting workflow, users can display suggested analyses of signal patterns directly in the gallery images. These suggestions can also be summarized in dynamic graphs and tables for further exploration.

When configuring a workflow with the help of our application specialists, users can incorporate the RapidScore review process, enabling experts to assess data quickly and efficiently. The RapidScore keyboard displays spot pattern proposals tailored to the probe layout on its dynamic keys. The reviewers can confirm or modify the Metafer suggestions by pressing a key, and the corresponding nucleus is automatically marked as reviewed. If additional signal patterns are identified during scoring that are not shown on the keyboard, they can be easily incorporated into the scoring process.

When multiple analysts are involved in reviewing a slide, blinding of the results is essential. Metafer provides a specialized review feature for this purpose, where both the processed and unprocessed images of a selected object are displayed alongside representations of the individual color channels. An overview display provides context around the cell nucleus. In this setup, users can quickly and easily enter or confirm their results. Once a set number of objects have been evaluated, the file can be forwarded to the next evaluator (up to five independent reviewers), ensuring blinded results and preventing bias.


The traditional manual FISH spot evaluation method is time-consuming, repetitive, error-prone, and often conducted under poor lighting conditions, leading to fatigue and decreased accuracy. Additionally, it lacks comprehensive image documentation and the necessary checks required by the dual control principle. MetaSystems enables users to establish a method that integrates imaging automation with human expertise to streamline FISH spot counting. The Customization Package for Spot Counting facilitates the creation of a flexible workflow that adapts to various locus-specific probes and supports different probe layouts, preparation methods, and color channels. This approach allows users to leverage the benefits of digital image processing while ensuring quick and easy confirmation of results, along with complete documentation in the form of images and process data.

RapidScore is a crucial step in the workflow that allows experts to efficiently evaluate data by focusing on areas of interest and identifying anomalies. This process combines automation and human insight to draw well-informed conclusions from the data. The RapidScore keyboard displays anticipated spot patterns specific to the probe layout on its keys, allowing experts to swiftly confirm or modify these suggestions with a keystroke.

After data collection is finalized and cytogenetics experts have completed their review, there are various options for presenting the results. The general data management software, Neon, which is installed with every Metafer Platform Software installation, includes a built-in Reporting Interface specifically designed for this purpose. Customizable report templates simplify the creation of personalized and visually engaging result summaries. Additionally, data can be easily exported from Neon - such as transferring it back to the LIMS - or aggregated into detailed statistical queries for streamlined summarization.

Sure, one case study involved a U.S. laboratory conducting analyses on probe panels for various conditions. The use case showed significant time savings using the Metafer-based workflow with RapidScore compared to manual, paper-based analysis. Read more here!


Legal Note

MetaSystems software provides, among other functions, features to assist users with image processing. These include, but are not limited to, the use of machine and deep learning algorithms for pattern recognition. The output generated in this process should be regarded as preliminary suggestions and, in any case, mandatorily requires review and assessment by trained experts.

MetaSystems offers Customization Packages for application workflows that have been successfully implemented for customer labs using standard Metafer platform functionality. It is expected that they can be implemented for other customer labs using similar workflows and slide preparation procedures. If a Customization Package is purchased, MetaSystems product specialists will – based on their experience from other similar application cases - support the customer lab in adapting the Metafer software configuration to their needs. The performance of the solution will depend on the quality of the customer slides and the expertise of the users, MetaSystems cannot specify or guarantee any performance parameters. The validation of the solution for clinical use is the sole responsibility of the customer lab.