Impressions of the TGA 2024

Our colleagues and our sister company MetaSystems Probes enjoyed the Tumorgenetische Arbeitstagung 2024 (Tumor Genetics Workshop) in Volpriehausen near Göttingen, Germany. We talked about the XCyting FISH Probes and smart karyogram creation in Ikaros, our imaging software.
The TGA was once again the highlight of the year for many. The varied program was packed with interesting lectures and exciting case presentations on research results from the participating working groups in the field of cytogenetics and molecular genetics of haematological neoplasms and solid tumors, as well as for the first time with the main topic of bronchial carcinoma.
At the end of the conference, the President of the Society of Human Genetics (GfH), Prof. Dr. med. Evelin Schröck, emphasized in her words of thanks to the conference President, Prof. Dr. med. Detlef Haase, that the once visionary alliance between human genetics, oncology, pathology, their interdisciplinary exchange and cooperation was indeed clearly noticeable.
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