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J Assoc Genet Technol, 34(4), 177–187

An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Semi-automatic MetaphaseLocating and On-screen Karyotyping System.

Philippa C May, Caroline Mackie Ogilvie, Shehla Mohammed, Zoe Docherty, Richard Peter Hall

Karyotyping is currently the #gold##standard# test for the detection of human chromosome abnormalities. Over the past 40 years, changes in techniques have improved the band definition of chromosomes; however, very little has changed with respect to improvements through automation. In this study, we compare chromosome analysis by traditional microscopy with semi-automatic karyotyping using robotic equipment from MetaSystems (Altlussheim, Germany). Analysis using MetaSystems was significantly quicker than using the microscope with an average reduction in analysis time of 26.5 minutes; for the average analyst, this equates to a reduction of 27 percent. Analysis checking times using MetaSystems showed even greater improvement with an average reduction in checking time of 11.4 minutes; for the average checker, this equates to a reduction of 48 percent. The MetaSystems semi-automatic karyotyping equipment offers increased throughput of cases for karyotype analysis while maintaining accuracy.

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