Collaboration with MLL on AI-based Karyotyping

MLL Münchner Leukämielabor highlighted our collaboration in its recent newsletter article titled “Chromosome Analysis 5.0 – Automation, Digitization and Artificial Intelligence”. The article emphasizes how artificial intelligence (AI) is moving chromosome analysis, also known as karyotyping, forward in clinical cytogenetics. Deep learning, an advance in the field of artificial intelligence, is pushing the frontiers in medicine and life sciences.
MetaSystems has implemented state of-the-art deep learning algorithms in its karyotyping software Ikaros. The patented method based on deep neural networks (DNN) replaces tedious manual processing steps. This innovation helps experts focus on the analysis and shortens turnaround times.
In the article, MLL states that they have been able to reduce the time to generate a karyogram from about two to three minutes with manual processing to circa 25 seconds with the AI-based algorithms, including subsequent review by cytogeneticists.
Chromosome analysis is a routine method in clinical cytogenetics and has been considered the "gold standard" in genetic diagnostics for decades, despite advances in whole-genome sequencing. In summary, the article concludes that “Automation and the use of AI have transformed chromosome analysis, which was considered to be a laborious process, into a faster and more sensitive method that remains highly relevant in many hematologic neoplasias.”
MetaSystems supports cytogenetic laboratories in setting up automated workflows to create complete solutions for growing work environments: from communication with external LIMS, sophisticated case and image management, automated metaphase finding, AI-based karyotyping, and reporting.
Read the full MLL article here.
Watch the video here.
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