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International Journal of Oncology, 24, 127- 136

Breakpoint differentiation in chromosomal aberrations of hematological malignancies: identification of 33 previously unrecorded breakpoints

A. Heller, I.F. Loncarevic, M. Glaser, E. Gebhart, U. Trautmann, U. Claussen, T. Liehr

Routine cytogenetic analysis provides important information of diagnostic and prognostic relevance for hematological malignancies. In spite of this, poorly spread metaphase chromosomes and highly rearranged karyotypes with numerous marker chromosomes, are often difficult to interpret. In order to improve the definition of chromosomal breakpoints multicolor banding (MCB) was applied on 45 bone marrow samples from patients suffering from hematological malignancies like myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), acute myelocytic leukemia (AML), chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML) or acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The breakpoints defined by GTG banding were confirmed by MCB in 8 cases, while in the remaining 37 cases the breakpoints had to be redefined. In 20/45 cases the breakpoints could only be characterized after application of MCB. In summary, 73 different breakpoints were characterized, thereof 33 were previously undescribed. Eleven cases showed known acquired aberrations and 21 cases had previously described aberration types such as del(5q-), del(7q-), del(13q-) or t(1;5) as sole rearrangement or in connection with other complex ones. In a total of 11 cases 19 breakpoints as described before were involved in hematological malignancies, while in 14 cases 33 breakpoints were identified which have not been described previously. Thus, MCB has proven to be a powerful and reliable method for screening of chromosomal aberrations, which considerably increased the accuracy of cytogenetic diagnosis.

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