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BJU International, 95, 1219- 1225

Quantitative molecular urinary cytology by fluorescence in situ hybridization: a tool for tailoring surveillance of patients with superficial bladder cancer?

M. Bollmann, H. Heller, A. Bánkfalvi, H. Griefingholt, R. Bollmann

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether it is possible to stratify patients with superficial bladder cancer into low- and high-risk groups for tumour recurrence/progression based on the chromosomal pattern detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in one urine cytology specimen used for follow-up testing. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Voided urine samples from 47 consecutive patients with urinary tract neoplasms (13 with no history of urothelial malignancy and 34 under follow-up after complete transurethral resection of superficial urothelial carcinoma of the bladder) were evaluated by liquid-based cytology (ThinPrep(R), CYTYC Corp., Boxborough, MA, USA) and UroVysion FISH (Vysis-Abbott, Downers Grove, IL). RESULTS: Of the 34 patients under surveillance, the UroVysion test was negative in four, 17 had loss of 9p21 sequences either alone or combined with low-frequency trisomy/ies or tetrasomy/ies of chromosomes 3, 7 and 17 in single cells (low-risk FISH), and 13 also had complex aneusomies of the remaining chromosomes (high-risk FISH). One of the four FISH-negative neoplasms, four of the 17 low-risk FISH cases and five of the 11 informative high-risk FISH-positive patients developed recurrence. Progression occurred only in patients with high-risk FISH results, showing high-frequency complex chromosomal polysomies (four of 11). CONCLUSION: The results from this pilot study indicate that the UroVysion FISH test may help to individually assess the clinical behaviour of superficial bladder cancer, based on the chromosomal pattern of exfoliated tumour cells in follow-up urinary cytology. It might be of use to identify those patients likely to progress at earlier and curable stages of disease, and lengthen the surveillance period in those with persistent or recurrent low-risk disease.

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